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Unlocking Inclusive Learning with Universal Access

eLearning Accessibility: Embracing Universal Design for All

At Maketric, we are strong advocates for inclusive learning through Universal Access. Our Accessibility Services ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate in the enriching eLearning experiences you offer.

Talk to an Accessibility Expert
Ensure compliance and inclusivity with our eLearning Accessibility Services. Empower learners of all abilities with universally accessible course technologies.

Compliance Assurance

We ensure that your eLearning materials align with international accessibility standards, including WCAG 2.0 and Section 508, to meet legal requirements.

Universal Design

Our approach prioritizes universal access, making content usable by all, regardless of disabilities, through various assistive technologies.

Inclusive Learning

By enhancing accessibility, we promote inclusivity and diversity, creating a learning environment where every individual can thrive.

Accessibility Analysis

Our comprehensive analysis and reporting tools provide insights into the accessibility of your eLearning materials, helping you continuously improve and enhance inclusivity.

Why Accessibility Matters in eLearning?

Accessibility in eLearning is not just about compliance; it’s about ensuring that every learner, regardless of their abilities, has equal access to knowledge. By prioritizing accessibility, you create a learning environment that is inclusive, fosters diversity, and enhances the overall educational experience. It’s not just a legal requirement; it’s a commitment to equitable learning opportunities for all.

Inclusive Learning

Universal Access guarantees that your eLearning courses reach all learners, promoting diversity and inclusivity.


Comply with international accessibility standards, regulations, and laws, reducing legal risks and promoting ethical practices.

Enhanced Learning Experience

Accessible content enhances the learning experience for all, improving comprehension and retention.

Positive Brand Image

Demonstrating a commitment to Universal Access enhances your brand’s reputation and demonstrates social responsibility.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Implement Accessibility

At Maketric, we take accessibility seriously, and our approach is comprehensive:

Universal Design Principles

We apply Universal Design principles to ensure that eLearning materials are accessible to the widest possible audience.

Accessibility Audits

We conduct thorough accessibility audits to identify areas of improvement in your existing eLearning materials.

Content Remediation

Our experts transform existing content to meet accessibility standards, including text-to-speech conversion, alt text addition, and more.

Accessible Design

We ensure that new eLearning materials are designed with accessibility in mind, from the ground up.

User Testing

Rigorous user testing with individuals of varying abilities ensures that the content is genuinely accessible.

Learner-Centric Design

Crafting experiences that cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring inclusivity.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Implement Accessibility

At Maketric, we take accessibility seriously, and our approach is comprehensive:

– Universal Design Principles

We apply Universal Design principles to ensure that eLearning materials are accessible to the widest possible audience.

– Accessibility Audits

We conduct thorough accessibility audits to identify areas of improvement in your existing eLearning materials.

– Content Remediation

Our experts transform existing content to meet accessibility standards, including text-to-speech conversion, alt text addition, and more.

– Accessible Design

We ensure that new eLearning materials are designed with accessibility in mind, from the ground up.

– User Testing

Rigorous user testing with individuals of varying abilities ensures that the content is genuinely accessible.

– Learner-Centric Design

Crafting experiences that cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring inclusivity.

Implementing Universal Access in Existing Materials

We understand that making your existing eLearning content universally accessible is crucial. Our team specializes in implementing accessibility features in your current materials, ensuring that learners of all abilities can benefit from your courses.

Our team utilizes a comprehensive accessibility checklist to cover essential aspects of accessibility in eLearning content, including:

  • Text alternatives for non-text content (e.g., images)
  • Keyboard accessibility
  • Consistent navigation and clear page structure
  • Clear and concise language
  • Multimedia alternatives and captions
  • Compatibility with assistive technologies
  • Error prevention and handling
  • Empower Learners, Enhance Learning

Our Accessibility Services adhere to a range of international guidelines and standards, including:

W3C WCAG 2.0 (Levels A-AAA)

We ensure that your eLearning materials meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Our compliance spans from Level A to AAA, catering to diverse accessibility needs.

Section 508

We align with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, ensuring that your eLearning content is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

4.5:1 Ratio

Our commitment to accessibility is encapsulated in the 4.5:1 ratio. It’s not just a number; it’s a promise to provide universally legible and inclusive content for all learners, including those with visual impairments.

With Maketric’s accessibility approach, foster an inclusive learning environment that embraces the power of universally accessible eLearning and see the positive impact on engagement, knowledge retention, and your brand’s image.

Join the Universal Access Revolution Today

Ready to make your eLearning universally accessible? Contact us today to learn more about how our Accessibility Services, grounded in Universal Design and Universal Access principles, can help you create a more inclusive, ethical, and impactful eLearning experience.

Book a complimentary learning strategy session today!

Embark on a journey to create tailor-made e-learning training experience that not only aligns but surpasses your distinct vision.

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